Tuesday, 3 July 2007

First trip abroad for NOF Travel

Extremadura 19- 23. April 2007

Birding the steppes of Extremadura: Photo: Atle Qvale
We founded NOF travel- the travel agency for Norwegian Ornithological Society- in 2006. The first trip abroad went to Extremadura 2007. In fact, the interest was som big that we had to arrange two trips with just some weeks in between!

I was the guide for the first group of 16 persons, travelling to the promised land. We had 131 species in just three full days, including very good views of the Spanish Imperial Eagle.

The first day, we had the route Belen- Trujillo – Santa Marta de Magasca- Torrejon el Rubio. Already in the early morning pass, in the steppe of Belen just outside Trujillo, we had Little and Great Bustard, Great Spotted Cuckoo and Calandra Lark. 

Black Vulture. Phot: John Martin Mjelde
Just north of Trujillo we had our first stop; this gave three species of vultures, Bonelli's Eagle and lots of Spanish Sparrows. In the Santa Marta de Magasca area, we had 7-8 Montague's Harriers in a field and also a flock of 20 Black-bellied Sandgrouses. We ended our day up at Torrejon el Rubio where we stayed over-night. 

First stop next day was at the castle in Monfragüe. In my mind, a very good place for all photographers. If you stay here some hours, you will for sure get very close opportunities for pictures of griffons and other raptors. In front of Salto de Gitano, the famous cliff just beneath the castle, we had several species, including two Spanish Imperials having some mating-behaviour in the air. Magnificent! Later in the day, we had an even better view of an SIE, in full adult plumage.

Alpine Swift. Photo: John Martin Mjelde
Last day we visited one of the only wetlands of Extremadura; the Embalse de Arroyocampo at Almaraz (close to the nuclear plant). This is part of the dam created by water from both Rio Tietar and Tajo. We had several nice experiences like Little Bittern, Black-crowned Night Heron, Purple Heron and several species of warblers. 

The whole trip was a success, until we met the SAS-bureaucracy at Barajas Madrid. After 1,5 hours in a que to check-in, the two last persons were not allowed to check-in because they according to SAS were to late, and besides the plane was full. For us that had entered the plane, it was obvious that it was not full at all. The two remaining had to stay the night over in Madrid due to very bad service by the airliner.

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